REJOINER POWERS cart ABANDONMENT FOR ecommerce brands like:
Peak Design

Make cart abandonment your most valuable automated campaign

Identify 60% of anonymous traffic

Remarket to high-intent prospects that you never knew existed.

Personalize messages 1 to 1

Use behavioral data to segment & personalize every message across channels.

Data-driven creative

Expert marketers will design & develop high-converting creative using 11+ years of performance data.

Features that 10x your cart abandonment revenue

Specialized tools purpose-built to maximize your opporunity to convert website abandoners.

Abandoned cart email journey
Data consolidation icon

Indentify more traffic with Intent ID

Create complete customer profiles for 60% of cart abandoners.

Email design icon

Regenerate carts across devices

Restore carts regardless of which device abandoners are using.

List reactivation icon

Segment & personalize emails

Segment browse, cart and checkout abandoners and personalize with browsed and recommendated products.

Performance reporting icon

Automate multi-stage remarketing campaigns

Start your remarketing efforts within minutes of the cart being abandoned.

Newsletter strategy icon

Protect margin with one-time use discount codes

Use time-sensitive offers to create urgency and drive conversion.

Reduce overhead icon

Measure incremental revenue

Use custom attribution rules and tie revenue back to specific customers.

Abandoned cart email journey builder.

See why our customers love us

Robbie Williams

I'm not really sure what we would have done without Rejoiner these past 2.5 years as a business. We have leaned heavily on them for their incredibly easy-to-use platform and team of experts. Their team truly feels like an extension of our own.

- Sara Hendershot, Director of Marketing
Paul Benegiri Case Study
Adam Saraceno

Rejoiner is super responsive, super hands on, always willing to work with us to find solutions when there isn't one out of the box… That is something, especially for bigger marketing vendors, that is completely unfathomable.

- Adam Saraceno, CMO
Paul Benegiri Case Study

Turn cart abandonment into your top
automated marketing initiative.

Identify 60% more traffic. Done-for-you creative. Maximized remarketing efforts across channels.
Get all that—and more—with Rejoiner.

Request a FREE ROI projection